“Iglesia de la Macarena”


“Iglesia de la Macarena”


Llegar a "la Macarena" a través de la zona histórica de calles estrechas y curiosa cartelería que mantiene la tradición manufacturera de otro tiempo es un espectáculo impresionante. El arco de la parte posterior que da entrada a la plazuela que acoge la entrada, permite ver a cientos de andaluces (y alguno que no lo es) venerar a su Vírgen. Se aprecia algo más allá de un sentimiento religioso, más próximo a la religiosidad icónica que a la de la profunda fe cristiana. Pero, así es y así se ve. Dentro, colas para besar, tocar la imagen de la virgen, la que luego paseará con sus cofrades y bandas de música por las calles de sevilla en alarde de pompa, y continuando una tradición plena de miembros, cuyo interés es tanto propio como rival de otras cofradías.
Interesante, imprescindible.

Curiosidad: los sevillanos le llaman la señora de Sevilla

Dirección: Calle Bécquer, 1-3, 41002 Sevilla

Teléfono:954 90 18 00

“Iglesia de la Macarena” 660 9

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PLACES TO VISIT : “Iglesia de la Macarena”   


“Iglesia de la Macarena”


Llegar a "la Macarena" a través de la zona histórica de calles estrechas y curiosa cartelería que mantiene la tradición manufacturera de otro tiempo es un espectáculo impresionante. El arco de la parte posterior que da entrada a la plazuela que acoge la entrada, permite ver a cientos de andaluces (y alguno que no lo es) venerar a su Vírgen. Se aprecia algo más allá de un sentimiento religioso, más próximo a la religiosidad icónica que a la de la profunda fe cristiana. Pero, así es y así se ve. Dentro, colas para besar, tocar la imagen de la virgen, la que luego paseará con sus cofrades y bandas de música por las calles de sevilla en alarde de pompa, y continuando una tradición plena de miembros, cuyo interés es tanto propio como rival de otras cofradías.
Interesante, imprescindible.

Curiosidad: los sevillanos le llaman la señora de Sevilla

Dirección: Calle Bécquer, 1-3, 41002 Sevilla

Teléfono:954 90 18 00


PLACES TO VISIT : Edificio Metropol Parasol   

El Edificio Metropol Parasol 


Building Metropol Parasol
the Metropol Parasol is one of the most  modern building in the city. it was opened in March 2011 and is  popularly known as "mushrooms of the plaza de la encarnación".
it has a 
It is a construction made entirely of maderaexcepto two of the columns or concrete pillars that house elevators to go up to the platform
it has a height of just over twenty-five meters,, the structure can be seen through a kind of journey along a road fenced virtually all the roofs of Seville, in addition to the amusement park Isla Magica, the Cathedral and the Giralda.
Phone: 954 56 December 15
Sugerir un cambio

the Metropol Parasol is one of the most  modern building in the city. it was opened in March 2011 and is  popularly known as "mushrooms of the plaza de la encarnación".


It is a construction made entirely of maderaexcepto two of the columns or concrete pillars that house elevators to go up to the platform

it has a height of just over twenty-five meters,, the structure can be seen through a kind of journey along a ro...

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PLACES TO VISIT : Plaza de Armas(Antigua estación de córdoba)   


Plaza de Armas (Old Station Córdoba)

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PLACES TO VISIT : Barrios populares y emblemáticos   

Barrios populares y emblemáticos ( popular and emblematic neighborhoods)



popular and emblematic neighborhoods
Triana District  is a tourist area, but not a monumental neighborhood. it's  very famous for spanish people. the most significant monument of this neighborhoods  is the santa ana church which was built in  1280. Betis street is an emblematic place of Triana neigborhood  and is located close to the guadalquivir river where you can enjoy with fantastic views to seville  (giralda, Torre del oro)
Barrio de Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz is a neighborhood where we usually stay  when visiting the city. it's located  in the city center  and is full of whitewashed houses, stately, family palaces, humble, courtyards filled with flowers and above all, legends, duels, love affairs and memories, charm and beauty.
it originated in the old Judería de Sevilla, this is where the second largest Jewish community in spain was concentrated, after Toledo.

Triana District

Triana District  is a tourist area, but not a monumental neighborhood. it's  very famous for spanish people. the most significant monument of this neighborhoods  is the santa ana church which was built in  1280. Betis street is an emblematic place of Triana neigborhood  and is located close to the guadalquivir river where you can enjoy with fantastic views to seville  (giralda, Torre del oro)


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PLACES TO VISIT : Parques de Sevilla porpulares   


Park Maria Lusa
the gardens were donate to the city by the Maria Luisa infants (duchess of Montpensier).which houses beautiful squares, fountains, rides with a variety  of plants and trees.
Theses gardens were part of the gardens of the Palacio de San Telmo
  Paseo de las Delicias, s / nº
Alamillo Park
Alamillo Park is a metropolitan park located between the municipality of Santiponce (Sevilla) and Seville (Spain). currently enjoys enormous popularity and is also one of the best examples of forest Mediterranean climate. In the summer of 2013 plans to begin its expansion with which it will become one of the largest urban parks in Spain, reaching 120 hectares. 1
Cortijo del Alamillo, Isla de la Cartuja, 41092 Sevilla

Park Maria Lusa

the gardens were donate to the city by the Maria Luisa infants (duchess of Montpensier).which houses beautiful squares, fountains, rides with a variety  of plants and trees.

Theses gardens were part of the gardens of the Palacio de San Telmo

  Paseo de las Delicias, s / nº


Alamillo Park

Alamillo Park is a metropolitan park located between the municipality of Santiponce (Sevilla) and Seville (Spain). currently enjoys enormous popularity and is also one of the best examples of forest Mediterranean climate. In the summer of 2013 plans to begin its expansion with which it will become one of the largest urban parks in Spain, reaching 120 hectares. 1

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PLACES TO VISIT : “Iglesia de la Macarena”   


“Iglesia de la Macarena”


Getting to "Macarena" through the historic area of narrow streets and curious cartelería maintains manufacturing tradition from another time is an impressive sight. The arch of the back that leads into the square that houses the entrance, lets see hundreds of Andalusia (and some that is not) worship their Virgin. It is appreciated something beyond one, closer to the iconic religious sentiment religiosity to the deep Christian faith. But this is and how it looks. Inside, tails to kiss, touch the image of the Virgin, which then stroll with his brothers and bands through the streets of Seville in show of pomp and continuing full tradition of members whose interest is both own rival as other brotherhoods.
Interestingly, essential.
Curiosity: Sevillian lady they call Sevilla
Address: Calle Becquer, 1-3, 41002 Sevilla
Phone: 954 90 18 00

Getting to "Macarena" through the historic area of narrow streets and curious cartelería maintains manufacturing tradition from another time is an impressive sight. The arch of the back that leads into the square that houses the entrance, lets see hundreds of Andalusia (and some that is not) worship their Virgin. It is appreciated something beyond one, closer to the iconic religious sentiment religiosity to the deep Christian faith. But this is and how it looks. Inside, tails to kiss, touch the image of the Virgin, which then stroll with his brothers and bands through the streets of Seville in show of pomp and continuing full tradition of members whose interest is both own rival as other br...

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PLACES TO VISIT : “Iglesia del Gran poder “   

“Iglesia del Gran poder “


In this Basilica we can see the image with more devotion of Seville (along with Macarena) which has a penitential brotherhood with more than 10,000 brothers. The basilica is 1965 and is adjacent to the Parish of San Lorenzo. I recommend people visit even nonbelievers, carving is a unique artistic prodigy and continuous religiosity permeates the interior.
Curiosity: the Sevillian nicknamed him "Mr. de Sevilla
Address: Pl S. Lorenzo, 13, 41002 Sevilla.
Open today · 8: 00-13: 30, 17: 30-21: 00
Phone: 954 91 56 86

In this Basilica we can see the image with more devotion of Seville (along with Macarena) which has a penitential brotherhood with more than 10,000 brothers. The basilica is 1965 and is adjacent to the Parish of San Lorenzo. I recommend people visit even nonbelievers, carving is a unique artistic prodigy and continuous religiosity permeates the interior.

Curiosity: the Sevillian nicknamed him "Mr. de Sevilla

Address: Pl S. Lorenzo, 13, 41002 Sevilla.

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PLACES TO VISIT : “Iglesia del Salvador”   


Salvador church "iglesia del Salvador"


the salvador church is one of the churches more beutiful, and host  great works of art, especially Passion of Martinez Montañez, a sublime work.

the temple is of baroque style, is restangular and is divides into three naves  divided into four sections, with bracket , square pillars with attached colums.


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PLACES TO VISIT : Museo de Baile Flamenco   


Flamenco Dance Museum
Flamenco Dance Museum (promoted by Cristina Hoyos)  is located in the heart of Seville, in an eighteenth century building next to the Cathedral and the Alcazar.  it's really important for all visitors if you want to know more about  the flamenco culture. in the museum you will find the keys to access the magic world of flamenco dancing. 

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Provincial Museum of Fine Arts
it's located in the former convent of La Merced, is one the main museums in Spain, both for its size and the number of works it houses, among which are artists like Zurbarán, El Greco Pacheco, Martinez Montanes or Murillo. The museum also shows the Sevillian sculptural trajectory.
The museum is open on Tuesdays from 14:30 to 20:30; Wednesday through Saturday from 9:00 to 20:30; and Sundays and holidays from 9:00 to 14:30. Tel .: 954 22 24 19.
Archeological Museum
it's located in the Plaza de America, open to the public Tuesday through Saturday from 9.00 to 20.30, and on Sundays and some holidays, from 9.00 to 14.30 hours. The museum houses more than 60,000 pieces, including objects in property and deposit. The initial collection was made up of funds from the confiscation of the nineteenth century and the excavations of Italica. In the 40s of the twentieth century the municipal collection transferred in trust by the City of Seville would join. Among the unique works that can be seen in this museum are Ébora Treasury, the Treasury Carambolo or Mosaic Triumph of Bacchus.
Tel .: 954 23 24 January.
Museum of Arts and Customs
It is located in the Mudejar Pavilion of the Exhibition of 1929. The Museum of Arts and Customs is dedicated to the popular arts and traditions of Andalusia and disclosure and investigation of anthropological and ethnographic heritage of the region. Here we can see romantic images of bullfighting, flamenco, Easter and the April Fair.
The museum is open on Tuesdays from 14:30 to 20:30; Wednesday through Saturday from 9:00 to 20:30; and Sundays and holidays from 9:00 to 14:30. Tel .: 954 71 23 91.
Andalusian Center for Contemporary Art
It is located in the Cartuja, the Monastery of Santa Maria de las Cuevas. It offers the possibility to see exhibitions and visit the monument. It also organizes activities such as artistic creation workshops, conferences, seminars and concerts. The schedule of exhibitions are Monday through Friday from 11:00 to 21:00 and Saturday from 11:00 to 15:00. The schedule of the visit is monumental Monday through Friday from 10:00 to 23:00 and Saturday from 10:00 to 15:00. Telf.:955 March 70 70.
Waterways Museum
Situated in the Torre del Oro, exposed parts and related marine life of the city, such as letters, engravings, models of old ships and important documents objects.
The museum is open Tuesday through Friday from 10:00 to 14:00 and on Saturdays and Sundays from 11:00 to 14:00. Tel .: 954 22 24 19.
Museum of the Royal Cavalry of Seville
This small museum is in the bullring. Exhibits related to the history of the national holiday as a collection of paintings, posters, photographs, costumes and sculptures objects.
It is open from Monday to Saturday from 10:00 to 13:30. Tel .: 954 21 March 15.
Museum arqueológido
Visitors can see a sample of Indian jewelry, gold elements of the Copper Age in 2500 BC, jewels beaten or solid from the Bronze Age between 2000 and 1000 BC, the eastern jewelry tartesia time and turdetanas jewelry of the period of romanization.
On the main floor it is available seventeen rooms ranging from Iberian sculpture Roman and Hispano-Roman collections, mainly from the archaeological site of Italica, among which are the "Venus", discovered in 1940; the "Diana the Huntress", Roman copy of the Greek Artemis; the "Mercury" and a series of imperial busts of protruding, by its size and elegant plastic one of Trajan.
Plaza de America s / n
955 June 12 32
From September 16 to June 15: Tuesday to Saturday from 09.00 to 19.30 hours. Opening Sundays and holidays: from 09.00 to 15.30 hours. Closed Monday
From June 16 to September 15: Tuesday to Sunday and public holidays from 9.00 to 15.30 hours. Closed Monday
1 - 3 - 6-30 - 31 - 34 - 37
Museum of Fine Arts
The Museum includes among his masterpieces some examples of painting Italianarepresentada by the following authors: Matia Preti (resurrected at the Last Supper Christ), Giovan Battista Caracciolo (Beheading of the Baptist), Andrea Vaccaro (Jonah preaching to the people of Nineveh), Giambattista Ruoppolo (still life of grapes).
Sevillana school, we mention Alejo Fernandez (XVI century), author of the table representing the "Annunciation" Cristobal de Morales, author of the table entitled "Entombment", Luis de Morales at the table of a "belongs Madonna with Child ", and Luis de Vargas author of" Resurrection of Christ "and" Jesus among the Doctors ", the latter clearly influenced rafaelesc
Phone: 954786491
From September 16 to May 31: Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 to 20:30
Sundays and holidays from 10:00 to 17:00. Closed Monday
From June 1 to September 15: Tuesday to Saturday from 9:00 to 15:30
Sunday and holidays from 10:00 to 17:00. Closed Monday
The museum will close the following days: January 1, May 1, 24, 25 and 31 December.
Plaza del Museo, 9
Museo Taurino
The Museum opened on April 5, 1989 by S.A.R. the Countess of Barcelona, ​​is housed within the walls of the bullring. Divided into four rooms, it exhibits original pieces, paintings and prints that provide a journey through the history of the Royal Cavalry, the square and bullfighting.
Today is converted to Naval Museum and inside houses models, engravings, navigational instruments, marine charts and historical curiosities.
Naval Museum
Situated in the Torre del Oro. Today is converted to Naval Museum and inside houses models, engravings, navigational instruments, marine charts and historical curiosities.
Paseo de Cristobal Colon, 12, 41001 Sevilla, Spain

Provincial Museum of Fine Arts

it's located in the former convent of La Merced, is one the main museums in Spain, both for its size and the number of works it houses, among which are artists like Zurbarán, El Greco Pacheco, Martinez Montanes or Murillo. The museum also shows the Sevillian sculptural trajectory.

The museum is open on Tuesdays from 14:30 to 20:30; Wednesday through Saturday from 9:00 to 20:30; and Sundays and holidays from 9:00 to 14:30. Tel .: 954 22 24 19.

Archeological Museum

it's located in the Plaza de America, open to the public Tuesday through Saturday from 9.00 to 20.30, and on Sundays and some holidays, from 9.00 to 14.30 hours. The museum houses more than 60,000 pieces, including objects in property and deposit. The initial collection was made up of funds from the confiscation of the nineteenth century and the excavations of Italica. In the 40s of the twentieth century the municipal collection transferred in trust by the City of Seville would join. Among the unique works that can be seen in this museum are Ébora Treasury, the Treasury Carambolo or Mosaic Triumph of Bacchus.

Tel .: 954 23 24 January.

Museum of Arts and Customs

It is located in the Mudejar Pavilion of the Exhibition of 1929. The Museum of Arts and Customs is dedicated to the popular arts and traditions of Andalusia and disclosure and investigation of anthropological and ethnographic heritage of the region. Here we can see romantic images of bullfighting, flamenco, Easter and the April Fair.

The museum is open on Tuesdays from 14:30 to 20:30; Wednesday through Saturday from 9:00 to 20:30; and Sundays and holidays from 9:00 to 14:30. Tel .: 954 71 23 91.

Andalusian Center for Contemporary Art

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Catedral Boutique

Avenida de la Constitución, 20 41004. Sevilla, España.

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