Feria de Abril


Feria de Abril


Seville is famous for its fair day and night with their bedecked horses and gypsy dresses. The April Fair is closely linked to taurine and coinciding with this date season you can see important runs in the Real Maestranza. In the Real de la Feria, which is named after the support shown by Queen Elizabeth II, are the typical houses, about a thousand, participating in a contest that rewards your decor. The origin of the fair is commercial and livestock and initially lasted only three days.


Seville is famous for its fair day and night with their bedecked horses and gypsy dresses. The April Fair is closely linked to taurine and coinciding with this date season you can see important runs in the Real Maestranza. In the Real de la Feria, which is named after the support shown by Queen Elizabeth II, are the typical houses, about a thousand, participating in a contest that rewards your decor. The origin of the fair is commercial and livestock and initially lasted only three days.


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Avenida de la Constitución, 20 41002. Sevilla, España.
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Uma localização excepcional numa das zonas mais exclusivas e populares, que surpreende pela sua elegante e exclusiva decoração.


Festas e tradições : Feria de Abril   


Feria de Abril


Seville is famous for its fair day and night with their bedecked horses and gypsy dresses. The April Fair is closely linked to taurine and coinciding with this date season you can see important runs in the Real Maestranza. In the Real de la Feria, which is named after the support shown by Queen Elizabeth II, are the typical houses, about a thousand, participating in a contest that rewards your decor. The origin of the fair is commercial and livestock and initially lasted only three days.


Seville is famous for its fair day and night with their bedecked horses and gypsy dresses. The April Fair is closely linked to taurine and coinciding with this date season you can see important runs in the Real Maestranza. In the Real de la Feria, which is named after the support shown by Queen Elizabeth II, are the typical houses, about a thousand, participating in a contest that rewards your decor. The origin of the fair is commercial and livestock and initially lasted only three days.



Festas e tradições : Semana Santa   

Semana Santa

Es la fiesta mayor de Sevilla, seguida con gran fervor y devoción, y en ella participan más de 50 hermandades, a veces acompañadas de más de 1.000 nazarenos. Lo más importante de la Semana Santa son las procesiones y sus pasos, que son auténticas obras de arte. En ellas, la música adquiere gran importancia, así como las saetas improvisadas que se encuentran en el camino de los tronos. Se organizan procesiones durante toda la semana, de día y de noche. Es tradición en la Semana Santa sevillana estrenar una prenda de ropa el Domingo de Ramos y que los hombres vistan traje oscuro y las mujeres mantilla negra el Jueves y Viernes Santo.


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Festas e tradições : Feria de Abril   


Feria de Abril

Sevilla es famosa por su feria de día y de noche con sus caballos engalanados y sus trajes de gitana. La Feria de Abril está muy ligada a la temporada taurina y coincidiendo con esta fecha se pueden ver importantes corridas en la Real Maestranza. En el Real de la Feria, que recibe su nombre del apoyo mostrado por la reina Isabel II, se encuentran las típicas casetas, alrededor de un millar, que participan en un concurso que premia su decoración. El origen de la feria es comercial y gan...

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Avenida de la Constitución, 20 41002. Sevilla, España.

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