Ara Malikian

Cabaret 2015

One of the most famous musicals of Broadway, returns to the Spanish stages after years of absence
Musical genre
Date: From January 12, 2017 until January 22, 2017
Where: Teatro Lope de Vega
Address: Avenida de Maria Luisa, s / n
Hours: Days 12, 17, 18, 19, 20.30 h. 13, 14, 20 and 21, 18 and 22 h. 15 and 22, 17 and 21 h.
Prices: TBC
Presale: generaltickets (www.generaltickets.com and associated entities)
Author: John Kander (music) and Joe Masteroff (libretto). Adapting Jaime Azpilicueta.
Company: SOM Produce
Director: Jaime Azpilicueta (scenic Dir.) And Raul Patino (Dir musical.)
Duration: 2 h 30 min (with rest)

One of the most famous musicals of Broadway, returns to the Spanish stages after years of absence

Musical genre


Date: From January 12, 2017 until January 22, 2017

Where: Teatro Lope de Vega

Address: Avenida de Maria Luisa, s / n

Hours: Days 12, 17, 18, 19, 20.30 h. 13, 14, 20 and 21, 18 and 22 h. 15 and 22, 17 and 21 h.

Prices: TBC

Presale: generaltickets (www.generaltickets.com and associated entities)

Author: John Kander (music) and Joe Masteroff (libretto). Adapting Jaime Azpilicueta.

Company: SOM Produce

Director: Jaime Azpilicueta (scenic Dir.) And Raul Patino (Dir musical.)

Duration: 2 h 30 min (with rest)


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Cabaret 2015

One of the most famous musicals of Broadway, returns to the Spanish stages after years of absence
Musical genre
Date: From January 12, 2017 until January 22, 2017
Where: Teatro Lope de Vega
Address: Avenida de Maria Luisa, s / n
Hours: Days 12, 17, 18, 19, 20.30 h. 13, 14, 20 and 21, 18 and 22 h. 15 and 22, 17 and 21 h.
Prices: TBC
Presale: generaltickets (www.generaltickets.com and associated entities)
Author: John Kander (music) and Joe Masteroff (libretto). Adapting Jaime Azpilicueta.
Company: SOM Produce
Director: Jaime Azpilicueta (scenic Dir.) And Raul Patino (Dir musical.)
Duration: 2 h 30 min (with rest)

One of the most famous musicals of Broadway, returns to the Spanish stages after years of absence

Musical genre


Date: From January 12, 2017 until January 22, 2017

Where: Teatro Lope de Vega

Address: Avenida de Maria Luisa, s / n

Hours: Days 12, 17, 18, 19, 20.30 h. 13, 14, 20 and 21, 18 and 22 h. 15 and 22, 17 and 21 h.

Prices: TBC

Presale: generaltickets (www.generaltickets.com and associated entities)

Author: John Kander (music) and Joe Masteroff (libretto). Adapting Jaime Azpilicueta.

Company: SOM Produce

Director: Jaime Azpilicueta (scenic Dir.) And Raul Patino (Dir musical.)

Duration: 2 h 30 min (with rest)



ESPECTACULOS y MUSICALES : Agenda Cultural    

Festivales y eventos en Sevilla

Sevilla esta lleno de conciertos, teatros ,festivales y eventos preparados a lo largo del año

Os dejamos varios enlaces donde podeis consultar todos los eventos , musicales para cada fecha.


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Ara Malikian

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Catedral Boutique

Avenida de la Constitución, 20 41004. Sevilla, España.

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